Selected past research projects on economic and social cohesion

A selected list of past research projects on economic and social cohesion is below. For each project the principal investigator(s) and the institutional members of the network comprising Esoc-Lab are identified.

Study of the socio-economic impact of Cohesion Fund projects, 1993-1998


Principal investigators: Robert Leonardi, Danny Quah, Tony Venables, Charles Bean, Chris Pissaridis

Network member: LSE Centre for Economic Performance

Pilot Study: A preliminary report on the socio-economic impact of projects financed by the Cohesion Fund


Principal investigators: Robert Leonardi and LSE Centre for Economic Performance

Pilot Study on the Socio-Economic impact of Projects Financed by the Cohesion Fund


Principal investigators: Robert Leonardi, Danny Quah, Tony Venables, Charles Bean, Chris Pissaridis

Network member: LSE Centre for Economic Performance

Key Socio-Economic Variables: Italy, 1970-1993


Principal investigator: Raffaella Nanetti

Network member: University of Illinois at Chicago

Mediterranean Regional Data Bank


Principal investigator: Robert Leonardi

Network member: University of Illinois at Chicago

What Makes Peripheral Economies Converge? The Push and Pull Factors Determining Convergence in the European Community in Comparative Perspective


Principal investigator: Robert Leonardi

Network members: Bocconi University, Milan; University of Barcelona; University College Dublin; Panthion University, Athens

Feasibility Study on the Development of an Econometric Model for the Analysis of the Economic Impact of Cohesion Fund Projects


Principal investigators: Robert Leonardi, Danny Quah, Tony Venables, Charles Bean, Chris Pissaridis

Network member: LSE Centre for Economic Performance

Pilot Project on the Restructuring of the REGIO Data


Principal investigator: Robert Leonardi

Network member: University of Illinois at Chicago

The State of Social and Economic Cohesion in the Community Prior to the Creation of the Single Market: The View from the Bottom-Up


Principal investigators: Robert Leonardi, Jurgen Grote

Network members: European University Institute, Fiesole; University of Siena; University College Dublin; State University of New York at Oswego; University of Bradford; University of Athens; University of Barcelona; University of Illinois at Chicago

Social and Economic Cohesion: Concepts for Evaluation


Principal investigators: Raffaella Nanetti and Robert Leonardi

Network member: University of Illinois at Chicago


For a complete list of projects in this area, please contact us