Selected past research projects on governance and institutional performance

A selected list of past research projects on governance and institutional performance is below. For each project the principal investigator(s) and the institutional members of the network comprising Esoc-Lab are identified.

Administrative Reform and Economic Development: The Case of Southern Italy


Principal investigator: Valeria Termini

Network member: Advanced School of Public Administration, Rome

Social Capital and Health


Principal investigator: Robert Leonardi

Network members: European Institute, Social Policy Department, Gender Institute of LSE

The Europeanization of Urban Policy: The Case of Naples


Principal Investigators: Robert Leonardi and Francesco Boccia

A Block Grant approach to Urban Policy: The Case of Naples


Principal investigator: Raffaella Nanetti

Network member: University of Illinois at Chicago

Pilot project on social capital building strategies in deprived neighbourhoods in Chicago


Principal investigator: Raffaella Nanetti

Network member: University of Illinois at Chicago

Capital Regions in Europe: Regional Planning and Regional Networks in a European Context


Principal investigator: Raffaella Nanetti

Network member: University of Illinois at Chicago

The Co-ordination of Regional Development Strategies among the European Community Member States and Regional Authorities


Principal investigator: Robert Leonardi

Network members: European University Institute, Fiesole; University of Illinois at Chicago


For a complete list of projects, please contact us